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Specifically designed for ice and roller skates, the customizable Riedell R-Fit™ Footbed Kit helps to improve alignment and athletic performance, alleviate pain from common fit issues, and provide comfort while reducing fatigue.
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Specifically designed for ice and roller skates, the customizable Riedell R-Fit™ Footbed Kit helps to improve alignment and athletic performance, alleviate pain from common fit issues, and provide comfort while reducing fatigue.
The R-Fit Footbed Kit includes the R-Fit Footbed, along with interchangeable arch supports, heel wedges, heel lifts, metatarsal pads, and an instruction guide. This R-Fit Kit is sized for ALL men’s high-top boots (Ice: Nearly all black skate boot models; Roller: Artistic/Rhythm boots such as the black Model 172 is an example).
The R-Fit Footbeds should work with almost any skate boot, however we can only assure 100% compatibility with Riedell skate boots.
Please Note: This product is not intended to be used as a remedy for serious injuries or issues. Should your discomfort become worse through using this product, remove the pads from your boots and seek medical advice.
The Riedell R-FitFootbed kit.You have taken the first step to feeling more comfortable in yourskates. The information provided in this instruction guide willgo over the various components included and how they may beable to help with the foot discomfort you are experiencing.
1. R-FitFootbed
2. Metatarsal Pad
3. Heel Lift
4. Heel Wedge
5. Adjustable Arch Supports
The footbed offers added support for a safer, more effectiveskating session. It is designed to keep the footbed from curlingwithin the boot.
Trace your foot's footbed or the existing liner from yourskate and cut the R-Fit™ footbed to fit. Place in yourboot patterned-side up. Wear in skating sessions for afew days. Check your foot impression within footbed.
The arch supports
Available in 3 heights (low, neutral, and high),add comfort and support to decrease foot soreness and strain.
Select the arch support (low, neutral, or high) based on your foot'sarch height. The neutral arch support comes pre-installed onthe footbed. If discomfort persists, try one of the other supportheights.
Metatarsal Pad
Symptom: Toes grip within your boots (claw foot)• Discomfort such as soreness, tingling or numbnessin toes/ball of foot area
PurposeRemedies: soreness, tingling, or numbness in toes and ball area.Helps spread the transverse arch (behind the ball, across the footwidth). Reduces toe overextension by supporting the heads ofthe metatarsal bones.
Using your footbed as a guide, locate the ball of your foot in theimpression. Remove the adhesive and place the metatarsal padon the patterned-side of the footbed, right below (not on) theball area with the pointed end facing the heel.Once footbeds are in boots, the pad will press just behind theball area. If this does not feel "good" aftera session skating, slightly adjust the pad'slocation. A sore foot from a metatarsal padindicates the pad is too far forward.If you're still having trouble, remove padand make an appointment with yourpodiatrist to assist you with placement.
Heel LiftS
Symptom• Irritation, pain or blistering around heel area• Heel is moving around in boot• Narrow hee
Decreases heel movement and slippage for added stabilization,comfort, and technical correction.
Fitting Instructions/Proper Placement: Remove the heel cover on the bottom of the footbed and attachthe heel lift to the Velcro. (See image below.)
Pronation Heel Wedge
Symptom• Tendon strain around the ankle area• Arch soreness• Pronation occurs when your foot, whilewalking, rolls down towards the inside andthe arch collapses. The soles of your wornshoes are a good indicator. If the inside por-tion of the sole is more worn than the outside,this is further evidence of potential overpronation.
Purpose:The wedge corrects pronation for added heel support, stability,and shock absorption. It evens the heel within the boot for moreconsistent cornering and jumps.
Fitting Instructions/Proper Placement: Remove the heel cover on the bottom of the footbed. Attach theheel wedge to the Velcro. Place heel wedge so thicker edge is onthe inside of the heel.
Supination Heel Wedge
Symptom: Tendon strain around the ankle area• Arch soreness• Supination occurs when your foot, whilewalking, fails to roll down towards the insideand your step remains on the outside portionof your foot. The soles of your worn shoesare a good indicator. If the outside portion ofthe sole is more worn than the inside, this isfurther evidence of potential over supination.
Purpose:The wedge corrects supination for added heel support, stability,and shock absorption. It evens the heel within the boot for moreconsistent cornering and jumps.
Fitting Instructions/Proper Placement: Remove the heel cover on the bottom of the footbed. Attach theheel wedge to the Velcro. Place heel wedge so thicker edge is onthe outside of the heel.
Specific References
Riedell Skates is a brand of quad skates and skates, wheels... that aims to offer the best skates on the market. The brand makes skates for everyone, from affordable recreational skates to fully customized boots trusted by past and present champions, and everything in between.
See all products Specifically designed for ice and roller skates, the customizable Riedell R-Fit™ Footbed Kit helps to improve alignment and athletic performance, alleviate pain from common fit issues, and provide comfort while reducing fatigue.